Rossarrock & Westgate Community Cleanup
Date: Saturday June 23, 2018
Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Address: Rosscarrock Community Hall, 4411-10 Avenue SW
It’s FREE!!!
City of Calgary Garbage Trucks on site to haul garbage
We cannot accept – tires, chemicals, batteries, liquids, paint, fridges or freezers,
propane tanks, railway ties and large household appliances.
ORGANIC TRUCK for general yard waste that can compost
Ie: brush, grass, leaves, branches, tree trimmings (Please have yard waste separated)
Metal Recycling
Electronic Recycling
Give and Take Area open until 1:00pm
Reusable household items will be laid aside for others to take and use
Drop off recyclable bottles, in support of your Community Association
For more information visit
Participants are encouraged to tarp their load.
Restricted to residents of Rosscarrock & Westgate Communities
Many thanks to the City of Calgary Bylaw Services, Rosscarrock & Westgate Community Associations,#yycleans
Volunteers Needed:
Volunteers needed to make this event a success come out and support your community and meet some new neighbors. We need volunteers on the day of the event to help
guide traffic, answer questions and monitor the site so items are disposed of properly.
Trucks Needed:
On the day the day of the event to pickup items for residence who are unable to bring their items to the site.