Our Community Association is holding a Special Meeting on Tuesday February 26 at 7:00pm at the Community Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to vote on two issues: (1) the approval of the 2018 audited financial statements, and (2) the approval of a revision to our bylaws to allow businesses to purchase community memberships and to tidy up minor inconsistencies that existed after previous revisions. Meeting materials (the agenda, a copy of the draft Special Resolution, a copy of the 2018 audited financials, a clean copy of the proposed bylaws, and a blackline of the bylaws showing the proposed changes from the existing version) will be available as of Monday February 4. Please request documents by emailing info@rosscarrock.org
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to renew your membership each year so that you can continue to vote at community meetings and enjoy membership perks like discounted hall rental rates! The following membership rates are effective as of March 1, 2019:
• Household membership: $20
• Individual membership: $15
• Senior membership: $10
• Associate membership: $10
• Business membership: $45
To keep Community Hall rental pricing fair and consistent with current market rates, hall rental fees will be slightly increased as of March 1, 2019 from $50 to $60/hour for non-members (members will still only pay $50/hour), plus a setup fee of $75.
We hope to see you on February 26th! Please continue to follow our Facebook page and read the Ross-Character to learn about more upcoming events and programs!