Special Meeting Announcement

The Rosscarrock Community Association is holding a Special Meeting at the Community Hall on Tuesday November 26, 2019 at 7:00 pm to vote on a resolution to:
1) approve the 2018-2019 audited financial statements, and
2) add two elements to the Community Association’s AGLC Use of Proceeds so we can better use our casino funds to benefit the community, including purchasing food and toiletries for our Community Pantry.

The Community Association needs community members to attend the Special Meeting in order to meet quorum to vote on this resolution. Light refreshments will be provided!

You will need a current individual, senior, household or honorary community membership to vote. If you need to purchase or renew your community membership,  you can do so from 6:30 – 7 pm before the Special Meeting, or by visiting the hall during office hours in advance (Tuesdays 12-5, Thursdays 4-8, Fridays 12-5). Please note that business members and associate members (a membership category available to individuals who do not live in Rosscarrock) are not eligible to vote. Community membership fees are:

  • Individual: $15
  • Senior: $10
  • Household: $20
  • Associate: $10
  • Business: $45

We hope to see you there!