The Shaganappi Golf Course would like to extend the offer for a family golf session to the residents of Rosscarrock. The dates/info/criteria are as follows once again:

With the Rosscarrock CA close proximity to the golf course, they are offering an event that will bring families and communities together and have them involved in an activity (Golf instruction on the driving range and putting green). For some, this will be the first time that they will experience the sport and what better way to do this than with other families within their same community!

Ages: 8-12 yrs plus parents

Maximum participants per session (including parents): 20

Date: Sunday June 10 Shaganappi Golf Course 1:30 – 3pm

Participants will receive instruction from CPGA certified Professional Instructors and receive golf incentives and giveaways at the end of the session. A program leader will be on site to help facilitate each session. Clubs are provided if needed.

Please call or email the hall if you are interested. You must be a member to participate