Help us grow
support your neighbourhood by joining our community association
Choose your yearly membership
I live in Rosscarrock
I live in Rosscarrock
I live in Rosscarrock
I live in another community
I own a business in Rosscarrock
Why Should I Become a member?
Membership fees help pay for events, programs and maintenance of the community hall. There are many benefits to becoming a member of our community association.
- Receive a discount on your hall rental
- Rent a plot in our community garden
- Attend our programs and events for free or at a discounted rate
- Choose your email and volunteer preferences
- Vote at meetings of the board of directors*
We welcome you to join the community association and if you can, volunteer to make it even stronger. It’s a great way to meet other residents of your community. Rosscarrock Community Association memberships are valid for one year from the date of purchase.
*Please note: associate and business members are not eligible to vote.
how do i sign up?
1. Click on the “Buy a membership” button above or go to
2. Select “Do Not Have User Name” at the bottom of the screen to create a new account
3. Fill out all the required fields and select Rosscarrock in the drop down menu
4. Click on “create account”
5. Select the “purchase” tab and choose your membership
I'm a member. how do I use my account?
Go to and login. Once logged in, you’ll see four tabs on the top of the page.
- Gives you an overview of your account
- Click the red/green squares to quickly make updates
- Edit your information
- Add members to your household
- Select your email preferences
- Select your volunteer interests
- Renew or purchase a membership
Message History
- This is where you can find Rosscarrock emails sent to you